Who We Serve

We specialize in retirement planning. We do our best work with people who are at or near retirement, who are optimistic but cautious.

Our careful attention to risk and taxes is the perfect fit for conservative-minded people who have saved all their lives so they can retire with confidence.  

Our Mission:
To help you retire with confidence
We enjoy helping people make important and often difficult decisions such as:
  • Do I have enough money to retire and remain comfortably  retired for life?
  • When is the best time for me to retire?
  • When should I claim my Social Security benefits?
  • Which Social Security claiming strategy is best for me?
  • When should I enroll in Medicare and which plan type is best for me?
  • How can I maximize my pension?
  • How do I invest, now that I am in retirement?
  • How should I withdraw money from my investments in retirement?
As a Registered Investment Adviser, Echols Financial Services has a legal duty (fiduciary) to always act in the best interest of its clients. Our fee-only business model assures clients that the advice they receive is based on unbiased, independent research. It is all about helping clients reach their goals in the most simple, cost-effective, tax-efficient way. Learn about our no-cost, no-obligation process for evaluating our firm to see if it is the right fit for you.

Our clients are ready to clarify, simplify, and organize their retirement planning. They also seek professional knowledge, expertise, and support to align their investment strategy with their financial goals.

Our clients want to avoid costly mistakes and enjoy retirement with greater peace of mind. They want to know they are achieving their goals with less personal time, worry, and effort. They are:
Retired, or close to it

We specialize in people who are retired or very close to it (typically 5 years or less). This allows us to tailor our service and expertise to the unique needs of retirees.

Diligent saver

While our clients would hardly consider themselves to be “rich”, thanks to a lifetime of diligent saving and frugal living they have accumulated a retirement nest egg of at least $500,000 (excluding real estate).

Looking for a trusted adviser

Our clients understand that the success of their retirement is too important to be doing it themselves, and they understand the value of having expert guidance.

If this sounds like you, and you have saved at least $500,000 towards your retirement, we would love to speak with you. 
Schedule Your 15-Minute Call
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While we would love to help everyone, we have very intentionally limited the number of clients we serve so that each client gets the personalized attention they need.  With that said, we want to be a trusted resource for anyone who has questions about money. 
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